President's Message


Mrs.Elizabeth Ratnakumar

YWCA Madurai

The YWCA Madurai is a service organisation which stands on the shoulders of giants who have volunteered to run the organisation with the motto SERVE with LOVE.

The new Board of Management took charge in October 2020 and I believe that we are not here by accident . God has chosen us and has a purpose for this Board of Management to serve and steward the YWCA, Madurai in the most unpredictable times

The pandemic which hit the world in 2019 brought in turbulent times of economic uncertainty and has posed a bleak scenario but it has been possible to cross only because of our god the savior. We have a God who is faithful and who is a promise keeping God as well as the God of impossibilities.

Two new projects were initiated on 16th of February, 2021 to meet the need of the contemporary times primarily for our members as well as for the public in Madurai. DEBORAH'S HAVEN is a free legal and psychological centre where women have a space to access to vent out their emotional needs as well as seek advice on legal issues. We have served many women within these few months of its establishment. The aim of this service is to bring comfort to those who seek help in times of their need. I thank all the Professional Legal and Psychological counsellors who volunteered their time and expertise to associate with YWCA, MADURAI and offer their services. The second project that we have initiated is the KIRUBAI GOODWILL CENTRE. This facility seeks to redistribute used goods like clothes, utensils, electronic items, etc., at a very reasonable and affordable rate. We have witnessed an overwhelming response in the sale of goods. I would like to request more people to dispose the goods they have at home which they have not used for more than a year as it may be useful for someone else .

The Kirubai Products which manufactures sanitary napkins , jams, juice, masala powders , savouries like murukku has been functioning in full swing.

This year the theme for our functioning has been to work on the values of the acronym ACT.

‘A’ stands for accountability . All employees to be responsible in their respective roles. To frame goals for ourselves this year and measure the outcomes periodically in order to reach our goals.

‘C’ stands for being Christ like. Let us try to keep Christ as our frame of reference as He is the ultimate model of leadership in all history. In relating to one another may our attitude and actions be one of concern

‘T’ stands for transparency in team work. May we talk about issues and not pinpoint at people or lament about past events. We will choose to agree to disagree with each other keeping in mind the growth of the organisation.

With these guiding principles, may we see YWCA, Madurai move on with gusto and experience grace upon grace from the Almighty.

God bless you all.

Mrs.Elizabeth Ratnakumar
YWCA Madurai